First Financial Training Program Promotes In-house Talent

Double promotions

Double promotions

It gives us great pleasure to announce the recent promotion of two First Financial team members.

Adela Ngai takes a step up from associate adviser to financial adviser and Harley Leslie joins Brendan Smith’s team as his associate adviser.

We chatted with Adela and Harley about their new roles and how First Financial’s unique in-house training program has advanced their careers.

Adela Ngai

Adela Ngai

Adela Ngai joined First Financial as a part-time associate adviser after taking maternity leave.

As a financial adviser, she is looking forward to getting to know her new clients and earning their trust over time.

“I love the dynamics of client relationships and the many facets of my role. I am presented with different challenges every day, and obviously every client is different so you have to adapt your style of client engagement to their individual needs.

What works for this client might not work for another client and what works today might not work tomorrow. It’s a continuous process of discovery and reinvention. Never a dull moment in this office!”

Training for success

Training for success

Adela found the First Financial adviser training invaluable over the past few years as it allowed her to build on her previous professional experience.

“I learned to do things the First Financial way. We want every client who walks through our door to receive a compelling customer experience. Our training is not just about the systems; the emphasis is placed on their values and client expectations.”

And it’s this unique training that sees Adela walking into her new role with confidence.

“In the last year of our training we’re encouraged to take ownership of advice and recommendations under the guidance of a financial adviser. So I know that I have already achieved the core competencies that my new responsibilities require.”

Read more about Adela here.

Harley Leslie

Harley Leslie

Moving up from the client service team to an associate adviser role, Harley Leslie is really looking forward to meeting clients face-to-face.

“The most exciting thing about this role is having a front seat on how we at First Financial help clients in their specific circumstances … I am excited to learn all about our clients over the next few years.”

Harley credits First Financial training for helping him to hone his skills and build a strong foundation of knowledge and experience.

He is currently finalising a Diploma of Financial Planning (DFP) and will move onto his Advanced DFP early in 2019.

Joining Brendan’s team

Joining Brendan’s team

As part of the adviser training program, Harley will work with financial adviser Brendan Smith, who is thrilled to have him join the team.

“Harley has a fantastic attitude towards client service, a desire to grow in all aspects of life and I look forward to working with someone with such a positive outlook.

Harley is already establishing great relationships with the clients he has met. I was extremely pleased to have the opportunity to promote a quality person from within the organisation.”

Read more about Brendan here.

Find out more about the First Financial adviser training program here. Read more First Financial articles.

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