
Alternative ideas for saving and investing for your children

Alternative ideas for saving and investing for your children

Are you looking to secure a strong financial future for your child or children? There are alternative saving and investing options to help maximise their security while avoiding penalty tax rates, from mortgage offset accounts to investment bonds.

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Building financial success through sustainable investing

Building financial success through sustainable investing

Every investment decision has the power to shape the future. Sustainable investing involves choosing investments based on ESG criteria. It aims to generate long-term financial success while supporting ethical practices and contributing to positive societal impact.

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The power of compounding returns and multiple income streams

The power of compounding returns and multiple income streams

Understanding the mechanics of compounding returns and the security of multiple income streams is crucial to achieving financial freedom and prosperity. They provide the framework for growing wealth steadily and securing it against potential economic downturns.

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Franking credits explained

Franking credits explained

Are you wondering what franking credits are? We can explain. They are a type of tax credit that companies distribute to their shareholders along with dividends. Learn how these tax benefits work and how they can maximise your investment returns.

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Understanding family trusts

Understanding family trusts

Do you need help understanding family trusts? We assist clients in structuring their finances for tax efficiency and for achieving their long-term objectives, such as retirement goals or creating a financial legacy for their families. Here’s what you need to know.

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Investing in your 40s

Investing in your 40s

Your 40s are a time for consolidation and future planning, so what are the best investing tips for your 40s? This decade is an important time, walk through some tips for investing best practice with us.

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Investing and Inflation

Investing and Inflation

Understanding inflation is crucial to successful investing and many investors are concerned about inflation because it is a well-known fact that inflation affects all aspects of the economy. We investigate investing and inflation and everything you need to know.

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Investing for beginners

Investing for beginners

If you’re new to investing you might be nervous about making the right decisions about where to invest your hard-earned cash, but with the right financial advice you can grow your investment portfolio with confidence and clarity.

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Why DIY investing tends to fail

Why DIY investing tends to fail

Since the global financial crisis in 2008, there has been a gradual upward trend of DIY investing. The era of DIY is well and truly here but unfortunately it can actually mean people lose a significant amount of money. We look at some of the main reasons why it tends to fail.


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Family trusts and investments

Family trusts and investments

Do you have or are you considering creating a family trust? Here in Australia they are becoming increasingly popular and with good reason. They have unique advantages and can help you with your financial planning, investments and tax distribution.


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Why we don’t invest in cryptocurrency

Why we don’t invest in cryptocurrency

Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Dogecoin… it is an ever expanding field and there are thousands of different cryptocurrencies in existence. We take a look at the realm of virtual currencies and Graeme Quinlan discusses why we don’t invest in cryptocurrency.


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Understanding high yield investments

Understanding high yield investments

The term ‘high yield’ sounds like a great opportunity to be able to boost your investment income… but you need to be mindful of the risks. While some high yield investments are beneficial to include within a diversified portfolio you should always do your homework.


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Economic market review

Economic market review

An economic market review from Tim Farrelly, our external asset allocation consultant. In his review he discusses five key themes that are currently impacting the way in which portfolios are put together. You can watch the full video or read the summary below.


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Investment market outlook 2021

Investment market outlook 2021

Almost twelve months on from March 2020, and it’s been a tumultuous year. As we have reported throughout the months we have experienced a great deal of volatility across global markets… but as we look ahead, while there are still some hurdles to overcome, positivity is returning.


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Understanding quantitative easing

Understanding quantitative easing

Quantitative easing is an unconventional monetary policy utilised by central banks around the globe when trying to encourage economic recovery. It is a measure that has been regularly employed by the US Federal Reserve since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis.


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Short-term vs long-term investing

Short-term vs long-term investing

We believe that the key to successful investing is maintaining a long-term view. The short term might be a thrill, but long-term investing provides a more stable, consistent approach to securing your financial future.

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Investment market cycles

Investment market cycles

Investment markets are cyclical in nature. Ups and downs occur regularly, but over longer periods of time, there are recognisable traits associated with each stage that can be clearly categorised.

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Drop in investment income

Drop in investment income

The FY20 company reporting season was under intense scrutiny this year as investors waited for information about the impact of COVID-19 on company fundamentals. We look at how dividends have been impacted and the expectations for FY21.

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Strange paradoxes

Strange paradoxes

Are we set for another market fall? Or is it the case that markets seriously over-reacted in the first place and are now coming slowly to a more accurate assessment of the long-term risks involved in COVID-19?

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March 2020 was an extraordinary month on the stock markets. The uncertainty surrounding a global pandemic saw the All Ordinaries index at 7,230 at close on 21 February… 30 days later we closed at 4,560 – a 37% drop.

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Understanding sequencing risk

Understanding sequencing risk

Sequencing risk can impact your retirement income… but our unique Investment Philosophy allows us to build portfolios that are robust enough to withstand the market volatility that triggers the effect.

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Investing vs paying off your mortgage

Investing vs paying off your mortgage

Owning your home outright is often a key financial goal for many Australians. But should you be solely focused on paying your mortgage off early to save on interest costs? Or are there other ways to optimise the spare dollars you have?

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The emotions of market volatility

The emotions of market volatility

When you start investing in the share market, you embrace the process with optimism. Unfortunately, market volatility can dent your optimism and set you on a roller-coaster of emotions.

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Our Investment Philosophy endures market downturns

Our Investment Philosophy endures market downturns

During March and April, we have seen acute market volatility, and for many investors this has been cause for concern. But at First Financial, our unique Investment Philosophy has helped to minimise the effect on our clients’ portfolios.

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COVID-19 Market update 9 April 2020

COVID-19 Market update 9 April 2020

Since writing our last investment update to you on 30 March, most investment market indices are roughly at the same point. Read our full market update from 9 April 2020.

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Share market update as at Friday 13th March 2020

Share market update as at Friday 13th March 2020

As we sit here after close on Friday the 13th – the last three weeks have seen almost all global markets shed 25% and oil drop 50%. It seems clear global markets have caught the Coronavirus…

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The impact of coronavirus on the global market

The impact of coronavirus on the global market

No one could have foreseen how the world would start 2020. On 31 December 2019 a new type of coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, was discovered in Wuhan, China, and since then the outbreak has had a significant impact on the global investment market.

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Investing and the decade in review

Investing and the decade in review

There were many defining moments that impacted the stock market over the last decade, but there is resounding acknowledgement that if you invested in equities ten years ago… then it’s most likely you have experienced overall positive performance.

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Infrastructure as an Asset Class

Infrastructure as an Asset Class

With so much constant activity within the infrastructure sector, it can be beneficial for investors to treat infrastructure as a separate asset class for investment, rather than lumping it in with the equities part of their portfolios.

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Current world events and your investments

Current world events and your investments

With a 24-hour news cycle constantly reporting on any small shift in tariffs, a disruption of commodity supply or even a late-night political tweet, it’s not surprising that financial markets are fluctuating.

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What is ethical investing?

What is ethical investing?

As ethical issues such as climate change gain attention in the media, more people are considering the impact of their investment decisions. Ethical investing has been named a major trend in the financial industry in 2019.

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Key rules for successful investing

Key rules for successful investing

Everyone would love to have a crystal ball to tell us what will happen in the world of investments. Knowing when to expect ups and downs in the market and being ready to act accordingly would certainly make it far easier to strike it rich quickly.

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Common investment mistakes

Common investment mistakes

Financial experts used to think that long-term portfolio performance was due 90% to asset allocation and 10% to timing and selection, but recent studies have shown that investor behaviour can account for up to 50% of the portfolio performance.

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The future of franking credits

The future of franking credits

A lot of people are talking about dividend imputation or franking credits. With a federal election on the horizon, politicians, the media and many shareholders are discussing what the potential policy change will mean.

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Three investment market influences in 2019

Three investment market influences in 2019

It is our job to understand the investment world and to be aware of local and international developments that can impact the recommendations we make to our clients. Continue reading about three market influences to consider when investing in 2019.

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Trust in our Investment Committee

Trust in our Investment Committee

Every investment recommendation made by a First Financial adviser comes with the tick of approval from our Investment Committee. The team has examined each investment option to ensure it meets our stringent criteria.

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Why Diversification is an Investment Strategy that makes Good Sense

Why Diversification is an Investment Strategy that makes Good Sense

Diversification is a strategy that spreads the risk of your investments across a range of asset classes allowing you to build a balanced investment portfolio. In other words, it’s not putting all your investment eggs in one basket.

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The Importance of Dividends

The Importance of Dividends

Shares that pay dividends are a popular option with Australian investors as they often provide a reliable source of return. This can provide a welcome cash injection or be used to reinvest for further growth.

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Thinking like a Smart Investor

Thinking like a Smart Investor

Becoming a smart investor is about using your head, not going with your gut feeling. But how do you know if you’re making the best decisions for your financial future? It helps to take a look at the kind of thinking that often informs our decisions when it comes to investing

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Is Borrowing to Invest Right for You?

Is Borrowing to Invest Right for You?

Borrowing to invest is an effective tool you can use to build wealth. You’ve probably heard it referred to as ‘gearing’ – either positive or negative. Gearing offers huge potential to build your wealth faster and is a great way to plan for the future.

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Investing in the age of 24-hour news

Investing in the age of 24-hour news

How do you stop from panicking when a news headline shouts of recession? Suddenly the retirement plan you’ve been working towards for years looks like it’s about to halve in value.

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Investing Beyond Super

Investing Beyond Super

Relying on your superannuation alone to accumulate enough wealth for retirement is increasingly unrealistic, especially with the changes to super contribution rules. So it’s more important than ever to consider investments outside of super.

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US Market Investment Update

US Market Investment Update

We’ve been closely watching the US market. And we believe now is the time to reduce our investment exposure. It’s time to switch out of US shares and into more attractively priced markets like Australia and Japan.

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Investment Solutions – Spring 2016

Investment Solutions – Spring 2016

Tim Rocks, Head of Market Research and Strategy, BT Investment Solutions looks at what could happen to markets should Donald Trump win the race to the White House.

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Hybrid Securities

Hybrid Securities

Term Deposit Rates and Government Bond Yields have fallen dramatically on the back of the RBA’s efforts to stimulate the Australian economy. An alternative to Term Deposits that we have been using for many of our clients over the last 10 years are hybrid securities.

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The Hidden Benefit of Dividends

The Hidden Benefit of Dividends

Australians love their dividend paying stocks. They pay a regular, tax effective income that provides cash flow for many of us. But is our love affair with these fully franked dividends detrimental to our market performance?

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Investment Solutions – Winter 2016

Investment Solutions – Winter 2016

In this winter edition of Investment Solutions magazine, we focus on five take outs you should be aware of post federal budget 2016.

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Lower for Longer….

Lower for Longer….

We have all been affected by lower interest rates in one way or another. It is great news if you are a mortgage holder. However, if you rely on income from your cash and term deposits to fund your lifestyle, low interest rates have indeed been bad news.

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Brexit, the Economy and Financial Markets

Brexit, the Economy and Financial Markets

Britain has voted to ‘Leave’ the European Union (EU) with a vote of 52% leave to 48% stay. There is little doubt there will be implications following the exit vote, however the magnitude of these implications is up for debate.

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February 2016 Market Volatility Update

February 2016 Market Volatility Update

Back in August 2015 we posted an update on the volatility local and global share markets were experiencing. Since that update in August, if you only paid attention to the media you could be forgiven for thinking that things have significantly deteriorated further.

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Market Volatility Update

Market Volatility Update

Recently we have seen significant negative movements in local and global share markets, culminating in the worst single day of trading for our market since January 2009 on Monday.

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Dollar Cost Averaging – Minimising the Risk of Investing

Dollar Cost Averaging – Minimising the Risk of Investing

As discussed in our last article, “Time in the Market” (February 2017), predicting the market is extremely difficult. Whilst we would all like to invest at the bottom of the market and sell at the top, the reality is that this is impossible to do.

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Time in the Market

Time in the Market

Often, Financial Advisers use the phrase ‘time in the market’, not ‘timing the market’. Although this is a well-used phrase, I would like to explore what this means and the impact it may have on your portfolio.

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Managed Funds – Growth or Value?

Managed Funds – Growth or Value?

With the funds management industry growing into one of Australia’s largest industries, with over $2.7 trillion in funds under management in more than 10,000 managed funds, it is crucial to have an understanding of what your fund manager is investing in.

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