Head of Investment Committee
Certified Financial Planner®
Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning)
Advanced Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
“Both my parents were school teachers and there’s a big teaching element to what we do as financial planners … teaching is in my DNA.”
For Graeme, working at First Financial provides the opportunity to build a financial planning business that embraces change and innovation … and one he has always wanted for staff and clients.
“When I started in the business I was more technically minded … I was focused on being a strategist and I liked the challenges that were presented by good financial planning strategies rather than products.
What it grew into was developing and maintaining very good relationships with clients and families. I now value the people side of the interaction – being with a client through an extended journey where you’ve helped them plan.
I like thinking about what I can achieve and opportunities I can improve on. I feel we have a real opportunity to do more, on many different levels. Just the other day I said to a client, ‘We started off this fund with 300k and it’s now 1.3million … and in the meantime you’ve paid off your mortgage.’ Now that’s job satisfaction.”
Graeme is passionate about First Financial’s Aged Care Advisory Service – a service that helps people who are in the situation where one or more of the family require a facility to move into, and they are faced with financial decisions about affordability.
“The rules are complex and we help them navigate through all options and strategies.”
Graeme grew up in country Victoria (Violet Town) and then in the south east suburbs of Melbourne. He went to both Monash and Melbourne universities.
Achilles surgery had him sidelined this year, but his love of physical activity and marathon running remains … and he’s slowly on the mend.
On the weekends he spends time on the sidelines of his kids’ soccer and netball games and helps with schoolwork.
Principal Financial Services Guide